The Business Show
How SMEs can leverage technology to scale and expand
06 SEPT 2023 | 14:45 - 15:15

Finding and implementing the best and most cost-effective technology for SMEs is overwhelming. Nicky’s session brings clarity and exactly how to overcome this challenge.
Nicky Verd
Digital Technology Expert, Speaker, Author & Podcast Host | Nashua

Nicky Verd is Africa’s most sought after and International keynote speaker on all things tech, disruption, innovation, future of work, 4IR and digital transformation. She is the author of the hit book, Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted which bridges the gap between everyday people and technology – giving the non-tech savvy a glimpse into how emerging technologies are impacting the workplace and life in general. Nicky also hosts the Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted podcast and is passionate about igniting human potential in the age of AI.